Real Estate Marketing Archive

6 Telltale Signs Your Website Needs an Update

“Your website loves you. It’s time to change your ways.” We want to say we’re sorry. We’re sorry because, for so many days now, our product ambassadors have been calling, and we know that we give you stress when we do. We don’t mean to. We’re just

Smartphone Photography for Real Estate Professionals

One of the most surprising productivity tools of the last two decades is the smartphone. The idea of a single, Swiss Army knife of communications barely existed before 2007, when the iPhone made it to shelves worldwide. So much has changed since then. You can shoot, create,

6 Ways to Make Your Real Estate Website Great

Last week, we went on a tirade about SEO and how it’s actually a part of a much larger effort of online marketing that helps your website reach get found (through optimization) and connect to your readers once they get there (through content). So this week I wanted to

How to Choose An Online Marketing Company For Your Real Estate Business

Your job as a REALTOR® is to help clients find the right house that best fits their needs. Our job as a real estate marketing company is to build a website and an online marketing strategy that can take your business to the next level. With all of

Home Buyer Anxiety and How You Can Help

Home buying anxiety is more common than you think. In a recent news article about average house costs in Edmonton , Greg Steel, President of the Edmonton Real Estate Association stated, “Bidding wars – particularly over “lower-price homes” and those in desirable neighbourhoods in Edmonton’s southwest and west – are


No REALTOR®? What could go wrong?  Imagine buying an investment property in another city, only to find the previous homeowner still living inside, refusing to leave, and threatening to burn it down. Well, that’s exactly what happened to Sunny Ghai who was purchasing the West Edmonton property on

4 Easy Ways To Unleash The Power Of Testimonials

Maximize Your Client Testimonials   1. Ask The Right Questions: Let’s be honest, anyone can quote a client saying “thanks for the great service;” but, the testimonials that catch someone’s eye are the stories and the specific details of why you were the best choice based on

Why You Need to Use Forms On Your Website

Using a form on your website has multiple benefits. Not only does it protect your website and content, but it also motivates customers to contact you. Here are some of the main benefits of using a form on your site: Protect your data. When you use a

Who Won 2014 REALTORS® Association of Edmonton Awards?

Congratulations to all Edmonton REALTORS® The REALTORS® Association of Edmonton handed out their annual awards during a Gala Dinner on February 21, 2014. The event honoured several Edmonton REALTORS® for Excellence and achievement in the market, as well as bestowing: Madeline Sarafinchan, won 2014 REALTOR ® of

Recently Launched: Russell Team Central Alberta

Meet The New RussellTeam.CA! Here at Redman Technologies, we want you to have the very best! So we’re always launching new products, improving our existing website options, and finessing our services— all to make sure your brand can be showcased in the best possible way. Truth be