Real Estate Marketing Archive

8 Daily Steps to Rule Your Marketing – Part II

In our last blog post, we covered the first 4 daily marketing actions you can do to rule your market. These actions should never take up your whole day, in fact, you should be able to get through them by the afternoon—that’s if you did a complete

5 Best Podcasts For Real Estate Pros

OK. I have to admit, as soon as it lands in my inbox, it piques my interest. The subject line of the Inman News email reads: “The ultra rich want to work real estate agents of their own caliber.” I save the email for later but the

Email Etiquette for Real Estate Pros: Part II

In Part I of the Email Etiquette for Real Estate Pros blog, we covered some of the fundamental things that can reflect poorly on your message and even affect how well your message gets across. Here, we cover how you can be sure that your message hits

5 Ways to Maximize Your Sphere of Influence—Before Lunch!

What time do you get up? I mean really get up… The Redman Team were extolling on the virtues of Dale Carnegie and Steven Covey and their respective views on increasing your spheres of influence. Your spheres of influence are simply the networks and people you can

Recently Launched! Edmonton Realtor: Sam Ireland

Edmonton REALTOR® and long time Redman client, Sam Ireland wears many hats both literally and figuratively. Quite literally, on any given day, Sam can be seen wearing one of his wardrobe staples: a paperboy cap. In fact, we’re not sure if we would recognize Sam without it! (If

Recently Launched! Edmonton Realtor: Serge Bourgoin & Team Leading Edge

What do you get when you combine a seasoned Real Estate pro, his team of Real Estate savvy go getters and a strong desire to stand out from the pack? Well, a Redman Custom level website for Team Leading Edge, of course! Serge Bourgoin, Edmonton based REALTOR®,

The 7 Habits of Highly Successful Real Estate Pros

What is it that makes people successful? What is it that gives some people the burn to push ahead, and how is it that others seem to get there so effortlessly? As people who make our lives your success, we’ve learned that many of the principles we

Turn Your Blog into a Learning Institute

Content marketing is a topic everyone seems to be talking about. The idea of creating content to attract, retain and convert customers is not new. But the way that people interact and digest this information online has become a real game changer for marketers. Sadly, the numbers

6 Reasons Why We Love Responsive Design (and You Should Too!)

Responsive design has been de rigeur for over a year, now. Mashable called 2013 The Year of Responsive Design to coincide with what it believed would be the year that mobile devices outsold desktop PCs. They may have been right about mobile sales, but even if 2013

Real Estate Flyer Graphics: Canva for REALTORS®

One of the ongoing challenges for many business owners is the need for professional quality images for their websites, blogs and social media. Sure, it’s easy grabbing someone else’s images and running with them, but using other people’s material for your own commercial purposes can become a