Real Estate Marketing Archive

The Importance Of A Good Subject Line

Why Do Subject Lines Matter? People often underestimate the power and the importance of an email Subject Line. Truth be told, your Subject Line is the one piece of your electronic message with the strongest impact. Now, before you scoff at that statement and continue on with

Recently Launched: Team Cavaliere

Are you a real estate agent interested in a fully custom website? Do you have a design ready for a site; but not the manpower to build it? No problem! At Redman Technologies, we make it happen! Take for example Team Cavaliere. Some time ago, they approached

Christmas Marketing For REALTORS®

Redman’s Christmas Marketing Tips This Holiday Season, give your real estate marketing a festive touch with our Christmas Marketing Tips. You can make the most out of this otherwise “slow” time of year by spreading holiday cheer and expanding your target market. If you love what you

Halloween Real Estate

Make The Most Out Of Halloween At Redman, we love Halloween – well technically we love all holidays, but the cool thing about Halloween is it gets people’s creative juices flowing. Whether it’s by creating a custom costume for a party, or by wearing amazing makeup to

Niche Marketing- How Redman Helps

Redman Makes Niche Marketing Easy! In our What’s Your Flavour? blog post, we explain Niche Marketing and how you can find your individual “flavour” in Real Estate. The “flavour” (brand specialization) that you select, will not satisfy everyone; however, it will appeal to a specific demographic in a

Turning Calls Into Lead Opportunities

Gain A Lead When The Phone Rings Sometimes it’s easy to miss the opportunity of gaining a lead when the phone rings. When someone calls you about a real estate need, it is imperative to consider how you can best help them in obtaining the information desired.

Advantages Of Having A Professional Photo

How do you greet a new client or potential business associate? Do you shake their hand, or take a bite out of your sandwich and mumble “Hey, howsitgoin?” Although the answer is obvious, consider the following: How you present your brand to the online world is equally

Recently Launched: Arlie Jespersen

Arlie Jespersen’s Custom Core Real Estate Website is a testament to how creative Redman’s Creative Team really is. The design Arlie’s website: was created using the simplicity of angled lines with his choice of a green and blue colour palette. The site’s sharp design allows for

6 Real Estate Marketing Tips

It’s never too late to kick-start or boost your marketing efforts. A well established Marketing Plan not only helps you generate more leads, but it also leaves a lasting impression on your clients. While word-of-mouth is nice, can anyone find you without it? Put some thought into

Evaluate Your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats

SWOT Your Brand As you may know a SWOT Analysis is the process used to determine factors which affect a product, place, industry, or person. The analysis is composed of 4 key elements, which can be internal or external and helpful or harmful. A SWOT Analysis can