Author Archive

The Value of Website Features

   Features enhance the value of a real estate website and can increase traffic. In this series, Redman will talk about some interesting facts obtained from the research findings of The National Association of Realtors (NAR). NAR surveyed home buyers and sellers from 2010 to mid-2011. The

REALTORS® and Photo Sharing Sites

REALTORS® and photo sharing sites can be a powerful combination. Successful real estate agents are always searching for ways to communicate with their clients and prospects. They learn new marketing techniques and stay current with the latest advances in the real estate and technology industries. Ask yourself,

Domain Series- .COM

This is the final blog to our Domain Series. Click on the links below to read the other series blogs: 1) A REALTOR’S® Home 2) The Nuts and bolts of your online home 3) .CA In the Redman world, REALTORS® with a .COM domain lead the .CA

Looking back- Friday Inspirations

Oftentimes, REALTORS® get caught up in the Real Estate world: working long hours, attending hundreds of meetings and searching for that perfect home for their clients. With the busy hustle and bustle of life, it can be difficult for one to take time and look back at

Customizing Your LinkedIn URL

Customize your LinkedIn URL for greater search engine optimization Real Estate agents who customize their LinkedIn URL’s will improve their SEO and market their brand effectively. Your LinkedIn URL can be modified to a REALTOR’S® Name or company name. Follow the steps below to find out how:

.CA Domain Extension

.CA Domains- Domain Extension Welcome to .CA street, also known as Canada’s domain registry. According to a 2009 CIRA Registrant Customer Satisfaction Survey, 70% of those surveyed agreed that the number one reason they registered a website with the .CA domain extension was because they wanted to show

Improving your SEO with LinkedIn- Quick Tips

Want to improve your SEO on LinkedIn? Canada’s most popular professional networking website can also be a REALTOR’S® best friend. Are you using LinkedIn to its full capacity? With the right modifications to your profile, you can improve your search engine optimization (SEO), increase your website’s rankings,

Seasons Greetings

Redman Technologies would like to wish everyone peace and joy this holiday season. It is a wonderful time to reflect on our blessings and spend time with those we cherish.

Domain Series- The Nuts and Bolts of Your Online Home

Domain Series This is the second blog to the series. The blog prior to this was: 1. Domain Series- A REALTOR’S Home A domain name is used to easily identify a website in the internet world. Such as: With domains, the early bird gets the worm.

Domain Series- A REALTOR’S® Home

The online world is a community. So, think of your real estate website as a house within the internet community. In order to give your house proper maintenance, you must understand how it operates. In this series, Redman will answer the questions: Why are domains important? Why