Customize your LinkedIn URL for greater search engine optimization

Real Estate agents who customize their LinkedIn URL’s will improve their SEO and market their brand effectively. Your LinkedIn URL can be modified to a REALTOR’S® Name or company name. Follow the steps below to find out how:

Step 1: Log in to LinkedIn

Type your e-mail address and password

Step 2: Hover your cursor over the Profile link

Select Edit Profile from the drop down menu

Step 3: The following page will appear

Click on edit beside your current LinkedIn URL

Step 4: Public Profile Page.

Look for the “Your Public Profile URL” widget.

Step 5: Your Public Profile URL Widget

Click on Customize Your Public URL

Step 6: Type your desired URL into the box

Click Set Custom URL

**Please Note: Your custom URL must contain 5 – 30 letters or numbers. Please do not use spaces, symbols, or special characters.

For more LinkedIn tips and advice feel free to read our other blogs:
Improving Your SEO With LinkedIn
LinkedIn Endorsements- How REALTORS® benefit

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