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Positive Thoughts To Start Your Day

How do you begin your days? Do you wake up with a smile on your face or are you grumpy? Even if you are not a “morning person” one tiny positive thought or action can change your entire day. That one single positive thought will subconsciously evoke

Attitude Makes A Difference

How do you react when things don’t go your way? Do you keep a smile on your face, or do you let it ruin your day? The type of attitude you have when dealing with others, or during your career has a huge impact on those around

Engaging Social Media Content

We live in the social media era and it’s an exciting time! You are a simple click away from connecting with your friends, family, coworkers, and clients – bringing us all together. Gone are the days when outdoor signage and word-of-mouth were your best marketing tools, now

The 3 C’s In Life

Make a choice, take a chance, change your life! Have you ever heard of the saying, “the only things certain in life are death and taxes”? While this statement is partially true, we think it has a rather ominous tone behind it. Forget death and taxes! We

Don’t Dream Of Success

Stop dreaming and start doing! While it’s good to have goals, dreams, and aspirations, things are not going to magically materialize in front of you – you must work for it. Some people are dreamers, they can visualize themselves being successful, but lack the motivation to move

Love What You Do

Do you love being a real estate agent? Why are you a real estate agent? How do you feel when you wake up in the morning and think about having to go to work? If you don’t know how to answer the questions above, then you need

The Greatest Attitude Of All

Think of your clients: each and every single one of them contributed to your success in one way or another. Whether it was through word-of-mouth advertising, or by requesting your services, they are the reason you are at this point in your real estate career. So, what’s

Think Big Dream Big

Set high goals for yourself Have you ever heard of the saying, “shoot for the moon?” Although this statement is widely used in North America, it’s significance is universal: Set high goals for yourself, you will indirectly push yourself out of your comfort zone, thus bringing out

Inspirations: When You Want To Succeed

Breathing has become second nature to us, we don’t think about it, we just do it. Our subconscious knows that we need to go through the motions of pulling in oxygen through our nose, expanding our lungs, pushing the air out through our nose, and collapsing our

Top 5 IOS Apps For REALTORS®

Real estate agents work in a fast-paced ever changing environments. Most of them have smart phones or tablets to help them stay current with their day-to-day tasks and organizational purposes. While the battle between carriers over who’s better is ongoing, arguably most real estate agents use iPhones