Announcements Archive

Recently Launched! Brand NEW Realtors Community Foundation Website!

Giving back is an important aspect of our business. So each year we try to offer our services to a charitable cause or a community initiative.  This year, we are proud to share the brand new Redman sponsored REALTORS® Community Foundation website! We have been working on this project with the

Recently Launched: Saskatchewan’s Core Real Estate Inc.

Have you ever arrived at a restaurant with such an impressive menu choice that you don’t know what to order first? Well, that is exactly how I feel about sharing our most recently launched Redman Custom website. There is so much to share that I don’t know

8 Daily Steps to Rule Your Marketing – Part II

In our last blog post, we covered the first 4 daily marketing actions you can do to rule your market. These actions should never take up your whole day, in fact, you should be able to get through them by the afternoon—that’s if you did a complete

5 Best Podcasts For Real Estate Pros

OK. I have to admit, as soon as it lands in my inbox, it piques my interest. The subject line of the Inman News email reads: “The ultra rich want to work real estate agents of their own caliber.” I save the email for later but the

Recently Launched! Edmonton Realtor: Sam Ireland

Edmonton REALTOR® and long time Redman client, Sam Ireland wears many hats both literally and figuratively. Quite literally, on any given day, Sam can be seen wearing one of his wardrobe staples: a paperboy cap. In fact, we’re not sure if we would recognize Sam without it! (If

Recently Launched! Edmonton Realtor: Serge Bourgoin & Team Leading Edge

What do you get when you combine a seasoned Real Estate pro, his team of Real Estate savvy go getters and a strong desire to stand out from the pack? Well, a Redman Custom level website for Team Leading Edge, of course! Serge Bourgoin, Edmonton based REALTOR®,

The 7 Habits of Highly Successful Real Estate Pros

What is it that makes people successful? What is it that gives some people the burn to push ahead, and how is it that others seem to get there so effortlessly? As people who make our lives your success, we’ve learned that many of the principles we

Recently Launched! Burnaby Realtor: George Gomory

We love taking a clients vision for their business to the next level and in this case, we think we did just that! George Gomory of RE/MAX Central Realty recently upgraded to our Redman Pro level site and we have to say, we are seriously crushing on it

Turn Your Blog into a Learning Institute

Content marketing is a topic everyone seems to be talking about. The idea of creating content to attract, retain and convert customers is not new. But the way that people interact and digest this information online has become a real game changer for marketers. Sadly, the numbers

Smartphone Photography for Real Estate Professionals

One of the most surprising productivity tools of the last two decades is the smartphone. The idea of a single, Swiss Army knife of communications barely existed before 2007, when the iPhone made it to shelves worldwide. So much has changed since then. You can shoot, create,