SEO Archive

5 Ways to Generate Valuable Leads Using Your Blog

  Blogs are an incredible way to share ideas, show off your industry knowledge, and get leads. 1. Define Your Target Who are you hoping to talk to? The more specific you can be the better. For example, you may work primarily with first-time sellers in Downtown

How To Write a Kick A** About Page

  Newcomers to your website almost always want to know who you are, and what your specialties are. Your about page is your chance to convince them to work with you, show off your talents, and connect with your online audience. If you need a little more convincing,

We’re Here For You, When Life Gets in The Way of Blogging

We are proud to introduce two new blogging services to fit your need for unique website content. Basic Blogging Package Select from industry and area-specific blog titles to take care of your blogging needs. Our team can post them to your website on your behalf or give you

The TRUTH Behind Google’s Search Updates

  Google is making an update to their search algorithm by implementing a more mobile focused web search. And why wouldn’t they? More and more of Google users are searching on mobile. I know that personally; I use my phone to search everything! The internet is buzzing

Part 2: 6 Blogging Mistakes that can Ruin Your Real Estate Website

In our last blog post, we covered the first three sins of blogging, the main three things that can send your online marketing into a downward spiral. These next three may not be full-bore blog killers, but they can alienate your visitors, forcing them to leave for

6 Ways to Make Your Real Estate Website Great

Last week, we went on a tirade about SEO and how it’s actually a part of a much larger effort of online marketing that helps your website reach get found (through optimization) and connect to your readers once they get there (through content). So this week I wanted to

SEO Versus Content Marketing

Let me ask you this: When you hear the letters SEO, what comes to your mind? “Rankings in Google searches.” “Crazy back-end nerdy work.” “Links and website structure thingys that have no meaning, but incredible cost.” Sadly, for many people SEO means all of these things, and

The Website Rankings Game

Are You Concerned With Your Website’s Rankings? Picture this: You sit down in front of the computer and open up a browser window. As you type in your breath quickens. The universal 6 letter colourful logo appears and your heart starts pounding. As you move your

5 LIES Bad SEO Companies Will Tell You

Tell Me Lies Tell Me Beautiful Lies? One of the things I’ve noticed is that real estate agents are at a high risk for falling privy to bad SEO companies. This is actually quite understandable to a certain extent. Once the market picks up, few real estate

5 Things Your Redman Tech Website Can Do That You’ve Probably Forgotten

Your Redman Tech real estate website is more than just a place to put your photo and your phone number— it is designed to be a lead generating tool, to help you grow your business, and to help you expand your network! It’s also built with some