8 Daily Steps to Rule Your Real Estate Marketing

Solid marketing is essential to being king of any online jungle, especially real estate.

People love to say “There aren’t enough hours in the day,” and they’re right.

We know that real estate is one of the fastest moving industries, and REALTORS® are some of the busiest people alive.

But marketing and marketing online is essential to growing your business.

So we’ve put together a list of actions that you can follow every day that will move your marketing forward and strengthen each of your marketing channels.

And if you’re not using one of them, don’t worry. Work with what you got, make it as good as possible, then move on to the next.

1. Follow up on any leads that came through.

There is no act in the world that will do more for your bottom line than reaching out to people who have already reached out to you. Leads are the closest thing to gold falling from the sky. Respond to them as quickly as possible.

2. Check your social account engagement.

This year, more than 88% of small businesses have engaged in some form of social media. People are out there hoping to connect with you. Take a look at your past posts and see what has resonated.

  • Are there people on Facebook who liked or commented?
  • Were there retweets on Twitter?

Note the type of content that is getting the most interest and shares.

3. Plan your social posts for the entire day—and schedule them.

(respond only when people ask)

Social eats up a lot of people’s days, but it doesn’t have to kill yours! Scheduling your posts makes it look like you’re online without tethering you to your Twitter.

Instead, post several times a day by using a social media management tool like

If you manage to get shares, comments, likes or retweets, you can set your phone to notify you of such responses. That way, you always look online when you’re not!

4. Check your website analytics.

Are you using analytics on your website? Well either way, your competitors are. If you haven’t started, now’s the time.

Once you do that, you can pull up data and reports, and start making adjustments to your website. Watch out for your

  • Visitors and Unique Visitors (who is coming to your site)
  • Bounce Rate (how many come to one page and then leave?)
  • Average Time on Site (how long do they stay?)
  • Traffic Source (where are they coming from?)
  • Users Flow (where do they start and where do they go once they’re in?)

If you’re ready, go to Part II of the post, which will cover the remaining daily steps you can take to own your market.

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