For Warriors Archive

Email Etiquette for Real Estate Pros: Part II

In Part I of the Email Etiquette for Real Estate Pros blog, we covered some of the fundamental things that can reflect poorly on your message and even affect how well your message gets across. Here, we cover how you can be sure that your message hits

Email Etiquette for Real Estate Pros

  [Part 1 of a 2-part series] One of the pillars of the internet is email. It’s been with us in some form since the 1980s. I can remember getting my first hotmail account back in 1997, which felt like a move into the future of communication.

5 Ways to Maximize Your Sphere of Influence—Before Lunch!

What time do you get up? I mean really get up… The Redman Team were extolling on the virtues of Dale Carnegie and Steven Covey and their respective views on increasing your spheres of influence. Your spheres of influence are simply the networks and people you can

10 of the World’s Best Quotes on Real Estate

Some days, we really  need a bit of inspiration to help push us along in growing our business and doing great work. Every business, startup or established, can use the lessons and ideas from others to help move forward. So we put together 10 of our favourite

The Top 10 TED Talks Every Realtor Should See

REALTORS® , your day is filled with phone calls, follow ups, negotiations and a whole lot more. Keeping up with all the demands of the day to day can be strenuous and you rarely have time to reflect on the bigger picture of life . So, we curated some of

The 7 Habits of Highly Successful Real Estate Pros

What is it that makes people successful? What is it that gives some people the burn to push ahead, and how is it that others seem to get there so effortlessly? As people who make our lives your success, we’ve learned that many of the principles we

Part 2: 6 Blogging Mistakes that can Ruin Your Real Estate Website

In our last blog post, we covered the first three sins of blogging, the main three things that can send your online marketing into a downward spiral. These next three may not be full-bore blog killers, but they can alienate your visitors, forcing them to leave for

6 Blogging Mistakes that can Ruin Your Real Estate Website

We know that we’ve spent a lot of time talking about blogs over the last few months, and we hope we’re not driving you crazy with it. But blogging is still one of the best ways to boost your brand, build social equity online and demonstrate your

3 Questions that will Change Your Real Estate Website Forever.

Today, Kathy from our genius Customer Success Team  schooled me on some Redman Tech fundamentals. She talked about what new and established customers can do to set themselves apart right from the start. Our Basic and Pro Packages come loaded with stock content for you to take

6 Ways to Make Your Real Estate Website Great

Last week, we went on a tirade about SEO and how it’s actually a part of a much larger effort of online marketing that helps your website reach get found (through optimization) and connect to your readers once they get there (through content). So this week I wanted to