Twitter Archive

Social Media Branding – How Do You Stand Out?

From the looks of it, social media is here to stay. Social Media channels have become a popular way for young and old to communicate and share ideas alike. As a result, it is increasingly important to view social media as another means to showcase and build

Increase Your Real Estate Business Thru Twitter

If you haven’t had a chance to familiarize yourself with Twitter, we definitely recommend it, as it is a great tool to help you increase your real estate business. What exactly is Twitter? Twitter is a tool for “micro-blogging” or posting very short updates, comments or thoughts.

Twitter and Your Website

Having fun tweeting? If so, there are many novel and interesting ways to further cross promote your twitter account through your real estate website and blog. The popularity of Twitter has resulted in a plethora of interesting and novel graphics and widgets that are simple to add

Part 2 of What is Twitter Thing Anyway? Tips and Search

In part one of this series on Twitter we discussed what it is, how it is used, and ways it can help your social networking presence. Today, we’ll be quickly outlining a few tips to better interact with, and utilize Twitter. Tips: Interacting When replying or messaging

So what’s this Twitter thing anyway?

According to Wikipedia: “Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read other users’ updates known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length which are displayed on the user’s profile page and delivered