Google+ Archive
Boosting SEO with Social Media
Real Estate Website SEO: Social Media Search engine optimisation, or SEO, is one of the best things you can do for your real estate business. Ranking highly in the search engines helps to drive customers to your website and gives you new leads to target. Social media platforms,
Monthly Feature: Online Lead Gen – Utilizing Social Media
Using Social Media to Generate Leads for Your Real Estate Business Social media is the way of the future. With more and more potential home buyers & sellers turning to the Internet when they need to find information, your real estate business cannot afford to miss out on
8 Daily Steps to Rule Your Marketing – Part II
In our last blog post, we covered the first 4 daily marketing actions you can do to rule your market. These actions should never take up your whole day, in fact, you should be able to get through them by the afternoon—that’s if you did a complete
8 Daily Steps to Rule Your Marketing – Part I
People love to say “There aren’t enough hours in the day,” and they’re right. We know that real estate is one of the fastest moving industries, and REALTORS® are some of the busiest people alive. But marketing and marketing online is essential to growing your business. So
Social Media Posts: Is it ok to repost?
People ask this question all the time. “Hey, I just spent x hours writing this blog. I can only promote it once and that’s it, right?” People have argued about this idea since, well… since Twitter! On the one hand, some famous tech superstars like Guy Kawasaki
Google Plus: Shared Endorsements Part 2
In Get Social, Google+
This is the second half of a two part blog. Click on the link below to read part one: What Are Shared Endorsements? Make The Most Of Shared Endorsements! Say your Real Estate page follows a Mortgage page, who just happens to be your business affiliate, Google
Google Plus: Shared Endorsements Part 1
In Get Social, Google+
What Are Shared Endorsements? Yesterday marked the launch of Google’s shared endorsements feature. We’ve already explained the cooleness of Google Plus for Canadian Agents, so we’re very excited for this update to take place, as it can affect Real Estate Agents in a great way. If you
Why Aren’t You On Google Plus?
In Get Social, Google+
In 2011, the world’s largest search engine launched a social networking and identity service called Google Plus. Although its fairly new- if used correctly, Google Plus can become a real estate agent’s most powerful networking and marketing tool in the online world. “Only 30% of an agent’s
Google +1 – How Exactly Will It Affect You!
In Google+
Google’s +1 is empowering users to share with their contacts what they “think is pretty cool”, thereby increasing the potential of specific websites or links to be ranked higher than others on the search engine. They explain it as a way to make the web a lot