As of October 2011 our Training Schedule will reflect some great new changes

We want to ensure that our webinars provide you with all the information you will need to become a pro at navigating your website. We also want you to have the ability to be in full control of your site. In order to help you to do this, we have altered our webinars to better fit your needs.

Our webinars focus on a variety of different aspects of your website. We educate on how to familiarize yourself with your workstation, manage your content systems, and give you all the tips and tricks on how to blog.

To ensure we are providing all the knowledge needed to be a successful site owner we have altered our material, and combined any webinars that we feel go hand in hand with each other. To fully understand one,we feel that you need to also be educated in the other.

Our goal is to assist you with your success and we want to ensure that your site is a prominent stepping stool to your success.

To take full advantage of our products and services, and to learn all the in’s and out’s of your site sign up for a free training session today.

Starting on October 4, 2011 our schedule will be as follows:

* Workstation and Content Management Systems Training
( Tuesdays at 2:00pm )

* Blog and Workstation Training
( Thursdays at 10:00am)

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