conventionphotos1October has been a crazy busy month! As such, we thought it best just to update our blog with a summary of some of the things etc. that we have been working on/where we have been and what we are up to!

– Redman is pleased to announce that we have been continuing to grow our team – with 2 new additions again being added this month!

– Our Server upgrades are almost complete – this upgrade will ensure that our websites will operate quicker and faster and will allow for continued development growth!

– Redman had a blast at the Suites and Homes Tradeshow in Edmonton, AB  on October 15th- We set up our Video Camera (with our Videographer on staff) and interviewed many of Edmonton’s top Real Estate experts. Now the editing fun begins – stay tuned for the content (video) to be launched soon!

– Development, development…and more devlopment – many new releases will be coming soon. Both fun, useful and beneficial!

Stay tuned for continued updates!

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