copy-of-istock_000007905792xsmallImagine the unique, search engine friendly content that you could create by writing a blog a day or even a blog 2-3 times a week.  Even better, think about the abundance of ‘bait’ (unique content) that could be scattered throughout the Search Engines, such as Yahoo, Google, and MSN – that would thereby help you lure in potential prospects.

Through your blog, you could help establish yourself as not only an expert in your main Real Estate market (Ex. Calgary Real Estate), but rather you can enhance your niche or specialty marketing as well.

So, you are probably wondering what could I possibly write about everyday? Truth be told, it really isn’t that difficult. Set your mind to it, and make sure to understand what types of topics that you would like to cover.

Some topics that could lead you in the right direction, include:

  1. Add your new listings to your blog and also update your blog if there are  price adjustments for your listings
  2. Add any events that you are hosting – such as your Open Houses
  3. Add information that could be of interest to buyers, sellers and or investors. Even better, consider breaking down the articles to be more specific such as -a First Time Home Buyers article on “Additional costs to remember when buying your first home”
  4. Ask a person who is an expert in another field to be a guest blogger. Ex. Mortgage Brokers, Lawyers, Home Inspectors etc.
  5. MARKET STATS – Very useful and easy to add! Let people know what is happening in the market either by the entire city or for a specific community.
  6. Local Events – Advertise events sponsored by your local Real Estate association, your Real Estate charitable foundation, or any events that are of interest to you.
  7. Talk about any charities you support and what is happening with them
  8. If you specialize in a specific area (ex. community) or market (ex. Luxury Homes) – write about what is happening in that area such as Sports games etc. or about new and upcoming Luxury home goods.
  9. Utilize other news sources – remember to try and not copy the article word for word. Instead, simply quote specific components and then discuss your opinion regarding the article.
  10. After being in the Real Estate business for x amount of years, I’m sure you have your share of either really funny stories or that of horrific tales. Why not share them in good fun!

Now you have 10 different ideas to spark your writing to make a blog a day an even easier task. Stay focused and good luck. We can’t wait to see your blog up and running filled with useful and interesting tips!

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