Get Inspired Archive

A Redman Year In Review

Can you believe that another year has flown by and that we are now into 2014. As always, Redman is truly blessed to have the opportunity to work with so many wonderful clients. Your unique personalities and business styles provide the background for what makes Redman tick.

Recently Launched: Russell Team Central Alberta

Meet The New RussellTeam.CA! Here at Redman Technologies, we want you to have the very best! So we’re always launching new products, improving our existing website options, and finessing our services— all to make sure your brand can be showcased in the best possible way. Truth be

Proud to have our HQ in Alberta

When Redman Tech decided to relocate to Downtown Edmonton in the Spring of 2013, we knew we were doing something right. This move allows us to continue to offer  website services to Canadian real estate agents from a more centralized location. I guess you could say we’re

Inspirational & Motivational Video

For this week’s Friday Inspirations we’ve decided to share an inspirational and motivational video. It’s a short 3 minute clip by motivational speaker John Von Achen. John has written over 30 books, several which have been bestsellers, and is seen as the leading voice for world-wide business

Fear & Disappointments

The road to success is filled with detours, bumps, and the occasional disappointing roadblock. Despite the challenges you encounter along the way, perseverance will help you overcome them with ease. Whatever happens to you today should not cast a shadow on your dreams and aspirations. Overcoming fear


We all need a little dose of reality every once in awhile. As humans, we tend to get a little bit carried away and build ourselves up a little too much. While having confidence is a good thing, you must be careful not to let your hubris

Determination & Satisfaction

At the end of a long day, I love to feel like I’ve accomplished something. Whether it’s moving forward with a client’s project, or taking care of business around the house, there is nothing better than to have something to show for the last 24 hours of

Success, Failure & Strength

As you prepare to take on the Summer real estate market, keep these words of wisdom in mind. Never be afraid of failure, it makes you a stronger person. Always remember that your journey does not end once you succeed or reach your goals, there is always

Positive Thoughts To Start Your Day

How do you begin your days? Do you wake up with a smile on your face or are you grumpy? Even if you are not a “morning person” one tiny positive thought or action can change your entire day. That one single positive thought will subconsciously evoke

Attitude Makes A Difference

How do you react when things don’t go your way? Do you keep a smile on your face, or do you let it ruin your day? The type of attitude you have when dealing with others, or during your career has a huge impact on those around