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Real Estate Testimonials
In Get Inspired, Trends
Adding personalized testimonials to your website is the key to showcase your knowledge and expertise to potential home buyers and sellers. Testimonials are a valuable asset, which enable you to entice your clients by allowing them to review the satisfying experiences your clients have had in the past. Here are four great
What is your Facebook fan page worth?
In Facebook, Get Social
Have you ever wondered why it is worth investing your time to make your Facebook page great? Well, Website Magazine provides us with a great incite of how valuable it is for small businesses to invest their time in social media. ” Online competitive data provider Hitwise recently set out to answer
Redman Staff Tips and Advice – Adding Testimonials
In Redman TV
We are now broadcasting a fun and exciting way to share our “Tips and Advice” with our clients. This month it is our Greek Translator Alex! Tune in to hear Alex rave about why it is important for you to add testimonials to your site! For more
Editorial Calendar – A Blogging Must!
In Blogging, Get Social
So all of us know that blogging can be sometimes quite a pain, it can lead to stress, frustration and it can be extremely time consuming. Most of the time you go in circles and circles wondering hmm what else can I entertain with… Eventually all these thoughts cause strain on