This is the second half of a two part blog. Click on the link below to read part one:
What Are Shared Endorsements?

Make The Most Of Shared Endorsements!

Say your Real Estate page follows a Mortgage page, who just happens to be your business affiliate, Google can show this action (with your name, contact number, and photo) to other Google Plus users. This could be in the form of an ad, when a Google Plus user searches “Mortgages,” or possibly in search results. You’re practically getting free advertisements through Google. Can you see why we’re excited about this?

REALTORS® with a Google Plus page can make the most of this in 3 easy steps:

  1. Endorse Others. Write a review on a new restaurant, or business associate. We recommend you write positive reviews
  2. Manage Your Google Plus Account. Take a few minutes out of the day to actively use your Google Plus account by interacting with other Google Plus Users. Think of it as another form of networking.
  3. Post content. Do you update your blog in your Redman Real Estate website? If so, each of your articles should be syndicated to your Social Media streams- including Google Plus!

If you’re not on Google Plus, now is the time!

Thankfully, your friends over here at Redman can help you make the transition into the Google Plus world. Start a conversation with us today!

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