Love What You Do

Do you love being a real estate agent?
Why are you a real estate agent?
How do you feel when you wake up in the morning and think about having to go to work?

If you don’t know how to answer the questions above, then you need to re-evaluate your career choice. The secret to happiness, money, and producing excellent work, is to love what you do.
That doesn’t mean you have to love every difficult client, or dealing with the paperwork, but if you find the job itself unpleasant, it will be reflected through your work.

Steve Jobs said it best, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” As the co-founder and CEO of Apple INC, throughout his career Steve Jobs has revolutionized the electronics fields, transforming industries back-to-back. If Steve Jobs did not love his job and the industry, he would have never developed the vision for Apple Inc, and he never would have become a household name.

So ask yourself, do you love being a real estate agent?

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